OMR goes Dansk!

OMR Denmark, Tackling Tyskland
A day to discuss Deutschland in Denmark!

OMR goes Dansk!

OMR is paying a visit to our neighbor to the North! We invite you to attend “Tackling Tyskland” on June 28, 2018, a networking event in conjunction with Copenhagen’s leading start-up community, #CPHFTW, and SingularityU Nordic, to discuss successful strategies for Danish companies to enter the German market. We are very excited to be partnering with Adform, long-time friend of OMR, to detail first-hand insights about their experience of growing their business in Germany. OMR co-founder Christian Müller will also discuss German market dynamics and insights needed to succeed in Europe’s largest economy. This event is absolutely free to attend—read more to learn more.

As the OMR Festival has scaled, we’ve seen the value to our German audience of involving a diversity of voices and companies from across Europe. With this Copenhagen event—one of several in the works over the coming months—we are scaling up our international efforts by sharing insights and mobilizing our network to help our international partners. 

Adform is a leading Danish Adtech company that has successfully expanded their business to the south. In addition to helping host the event, Adform VP of Marketing Louise Kloster, will be on hand to discuss how the Copenhagen-based digital advertising company has successfully expanded operations internationally, especially to Germany.

OMR co-founder Christian Müller will also speaking and will highlight actionable strategies and practical insights for entering the German market. Christian will discuss his experiences as a founder of multiple adtech companies, and how Hamburg-based OMR went from a small, one-day conference with a few hundred people to an annual Festival that draws over 40K in 2018 and serves as a European Launchpad for digital companies.

Big thanks to our partners

Special thanks to #CPHFTW, Copenhagen For The Win, a grassroots organization aimed at “strengthening the startup ecosystem in Copenhagen,” who co-hosting. We would also like to thank SingularityU Nordic graciously providing the venue for the event.  

If you are interested in attending, please contact International lead Heidi Stammer at

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